澎湃新闻 | 陆建非:从英译视角理解“新质生产力”


今年两会期间,“新质生产力”成了一个爆红的热词,这个概念最早是习近平总书记在2023年9月9日主持召开新时代推动东北全面振兴座谈会上提出的。当时他强调“积极培育新能源、新材料、先进制造、电子信息等战略性新兴产业,积极培育未来产业,加快形成新质生产力,增强发展新动能”。当天新华网的英语译文是:It is necessary to foster strategic emerging industries including new energy, new materials, advanced manufacturing and electronic information, and nurture industries of the future, in a bid to create new productivity boosters and new growth impetus.

此处“新质生产力”译成了new productivity boosters,即“新的生产力助推器”的意思。




几乎同时,国内英文媒体也出现了类似译法,只是多了一个“quality”。例如,新华社3月5日刊发题为“Xi stresses developing new quality productive forces(习近平强调发展新质生产力)”的双语新闻:

President Xi Jinping stressed developing new quality productive forces according to local conditions during the second session of the 14th National People's Congress, China's national legislature.(习近平主席在十四届全国人大二次会议上强调,要因地制宜发展新质生产力。)

Developing new quality productive forces does not mean neglecting or abandoning traditional industries, Xi said. It is necessary to prevent a headlong rush into projects and the formation of industry bubbles, and avoid adopting just a single model of development, he noted.(发展新质生产力不是忽视、放弃传统产业,习近平强调,要防止一哄而上、泡沫化,也不要搞一种模式。)


China will strive to modernize the industrial system and develop new quality productive forces at a faster pace, according to a government work report submitted Tuesday to the national legislature for deliberation.(根据周二提交给国家立法机构审议的一份政府工作报告,中国将努力实现工业体系现代化,并加快发展新质生产力。)

笔者查了一下,其实中国日报网今年2月22日就已经出现了这种含forces的译法,文章题为China drafts new law to help develop private sector(中国将加快制定民营经济促进法):

According to the meeting, the country aims to maintain consistency and stability in policy formulation and implementation with legal thinking and methods. It will stimulate the endogenous motivating power and vitality of various types of operating entities and promote the accelerated development of new productive forces.(会议认为,国家力争以法制思维和方法,在政策制定和实施上保持一致性和稳定性。激发各类经营主体的内生动力和活力,促进新质生产力的加速发展。)


The year 2023 witnessed the Chinese people and people from around the world supporting each other on the journey forward. China achieved a steady transition in its COVID-19 response and saw a rebound of its economy. High-quality development was pursued with solid steps, and qualitatively new productive forces were forming at a faster pace. The Chinese path to modernization was becoming ever broader. (2023年,中国人民同世界人民相互照亮、并肩前行。我们实现疫情防控平稳转段,推动经济回升向好,高质量发展扎实推进,新质生产力加速形成,中国式现代化道路越走越宽广。)

在qualitatively new productive forces的组合中,用副词修饰形容词,旨在强调质量上的新,结构略显拖沓。

其间,也有译者建议用“disruptive(裂变性的)或transformative(变革性的)productive forces”来翻译“新质生产力”,笔者觉得过于突兀。

现在看来,经典老虎机游戏_亿万先生老虎机-【娱乐官网】@的英语主流媒体都倾向于使用更为简洁易懂的new productive forces。








